Category: Sal (Cape Verde) 2015

  • Days 6 and 7 in Sal, Cape Verde

    The whole time in Cape Verde, my mum and I had been thinking about trying flyboarding (this watersport where they basically attach jet-packs to your fleet so you fly out of the sea). There’s a flyboarding stand by the beach near the pier with lots of photos and things making…

  • Day 5 in Sal, Cape Verde

    On the Friday, we decided to take a random trip to the capital city, Espargos. We’d been told that you can either go on a tour, in a taxi, or in a local minibus for 100CVE (1 euro). Of course we took the minibus option. There weren’t really any signs…

  • Day 4 in Sal, Cape Verde

    The sunburn was still quite bad on day 4 so I stayed in until about 4pm and then my mum showed me round the market that she’d discovered earlier. It’s called something like ‘Mercado Municipial’ and it’s an indoor market, mainly selling fruit and vegetables but also with a couple…

  • Days 2 and 3 in Sal, Cape Verde

    On the Tuesday, I just wanted to take advantage of the beach, so that’s where we were for most of the day. We also had a walk to the other end of Santa Maria where the nice hotels are and the pier is. There were a lot of watersports on…

  • Day 1 in Sal, Cape Verde

    I wanted to go on a quick adventure and spend some time in the sun before my uni exams, so I booked a week in Sal, one of the islands of Cape Verde in West Africa, and my mum came along too. The flights were £380 return each from Thomas…